A Rev. Ken Commentary: Time Flies!

Time flies when you’re having fun!

That’s the old saying, anyway.  In my case, I think its right.

It’s been nearly a half a year since I took on the assignment to be your Minister, and it has been an enjoyable experience.  I’ve worshipped with you a number of times, met with different groups of you often, had many good conversations over at the coffee shop and other places, introduced my daughter to you, enjoyed part of your retreat with you, introduced some of your newer participants to the world of Unitarian Universalism, trained some of you to be worship leaders, and learned a lot about the KVUUC community and traditions. 

You may notice that in this message that I still refer to you all as, well, “you.”  As a quarter-time Minister who commutes to Ellensburg, I do still feel as if I’m “visiting” when I am with you, and I imagine some of you may feel the same way.  I’d like to begin to feel more at home when I’m with you!

To that end, I’m going to work on scheduling my time in Ellensburg to hopefully allow for more connections so that we can all get to know one another better.  Many of you have dropped by once or twice during my office hours, which have usually been on Wednesday mornings at the coffee shop at 4th and Pearl.  That has been a great way for me to have some informal time to chat with people, but it is not always the best way, particularly for people who aren’t available to sit in coffee shops on Wednesday mornings!  So I’m going to be scaling back the amount of time I devote to that, probably only holding open office hours once or twice a month rather than every week.  Instead, I’d like to schedule my time in Ellensburg by making appointments and pastoral visits proactively.  So I want to encourage you all to let me know if you’d like to set up a time to meet.  Whether it’s to talk over a vexing spiritual problem, to kvetch about some pet peeve of yours, or to simply sit and chat for a bit, I’d like to have chances to meet with you all at some point.  If you’re interested and have a little time, please let me know by emailing minister@kvuu.org or calling my cell 509-759-2852, and I promise we’ll try to set up a time to meet.

I’m also going to work on setting aside some more time when I’m in town for gatherings in which we can get to know each other better.  The first one will be on Friday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m.  I’ll bring some pizza, and invite whoever is available to bring other food to share if you wish, and a favorite board game if you have one.  Maybe we’ll even tell a joke or two…

Rev. Ken