GA 2021 – SOC: Undoing Intersectional White Supremacy
Click her for the text of SOC: Undoing Intersectional White Supremacy
Click her for the text of SOC: Undoing Intersectional White Supremacy
Click her for the text of AIW: Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities
Click her for the text of AIW: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Justice. Healing. Courage
Click her for the text of AIW: Stop Voter Suppression and Partner for Voting Rights and a Multiracial Democracy
Sermon by Rev. Ken Jones delivered March 14, 2021 The Illusion of Separateness
There are three ways to donate: Breeze, PayPal and check. Click here to donate .
2020-2021 Theme: The Meaning of Home For many of us, our relationship with home has intensified this year. The pandemic has given many of us new appreciation for, and concerns about, the places we call home and the centrality of these places in our lives. This year during Guest at Your Table, we invite you … Continue reading Guest at Your Table Materials
November 8, 2020 After months of mega-hype we finally had our Presidential election. In this sermon, Rev. Ken provides his take on what happened and how it might affect us moving forward. Click here to read the sermon.
Here’s the link for proposed budget adopted at our annual meeting this summer.
Giving is made up of donations both of members and friends of KVUUC. Our canvas includes contacting both members and friends. Both groups make important contributions to our budget. The first bar in this chart (in Blue) represents the number of member plus friend households contributing at an annual giving level. The second bar in … Continue reading Canvass Info: Household giving Range