Adult RE Seminar

Thursday Evening Seminar, Sept. 8 – 7-8:30p.m.    

“Approaches to Faith:  Mysticism” A pizza (1/2 vegan) will be available to share starting at 6:30pm.

The etymology of the word “Religion” from the Latin “religio” – “re-lig” suggests the word has to do with re-binding or re-connecting one’s self with that from which one has become separated.  It has been said that there are basically four approaches to such reconnection available to us in the modern world:  Theism, Humanism, Naturalism and Mysticism.  In May we touched on Theism.  In June and July we delved into Humanism.   We will continue on in September with Mysticism.  Mysticism has to do with connecting to the larger wholeness of being through identity and union with an inner essence of reality not available to the human senses.  We will pay particular attention to expressions of mysticism found in Sufi poetry and in our own UU heritage.  Should be a fun conversation!  Bill ( would appreciate it if participants let him know in advance of their intent to attend/share the pizza.