Adult Discussion Group

We have an adult discussion group that meets most Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 am prior to our service. We discuss books and other topics of interest to the group including climate change, care of the soul, living an ethical and moral life, simplicity, and the congregation’s theme of the month. Group members may rotate as discussion leader. Request more info at

The following is an overview of just a few of our other adult education programs, which may be offered whenever there is interest.

Articulating Your UU Faith

Guides participants through a series of easy and engaging exercises–personal reflection, role-play, discussion and even the creation of a worship event–that equip them to communicate their liberal religious ideals.

Cakes for the Queen of Heaven I & II

“Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” is a woman honoring adult RE curriculum by Rev. Shirley Ranck that examines pre-Judeo Christian cultures that may have worshiped the female as divine. The concepts of equality and reverence for the female in a religious setting are eye-opening to many participants.

Building Your Own Theology I, II & III

  • Volme 1: Introduction
  • Volume 2: Exploring
  • Volume 3: Ethics