Author: James Schwing

Annual Meeting: May 5

Save the date. May 5 – Saturday – 6:00 pm.

With so much going on this spring, it would be easy to overlook. But what could be important – our annual meeting. A chance to look back at what happened in the year just passed. A … read more.

Preview: Rev. Bill’s April 8 Sermon

A Faith That Puts its Faith In You

Our theme for April is Transformation and I am challenged to address why Unitarian-Universalism is transformational. Part of the answer is implied in the bumper sticker slogan that is the title of this service. Another bumper sticker we … read more.

Rev. Bill’s Thursday Seminar – April 5

UU History in Depth, Part 4:  “Universalism 1600-1860”
Thursday April 5, 2018 at 7:00pm

This is the story of the lesser know branch of our faith the 3rd Century writings of Origen of Alexandria, to 17th Century England and its roots in Christian mysticism, which … read more.

Pssst! Wanna Be A Mystery Pal?

Mystery pals is a tradition at KVUUC that matches a child or teenager with an adult to become “mystery pals.” Each week the pair will exchange notes in a special numbered pocket wall hanging made by Willow Jeane Lyman.

You must keep your identity completely secret … read more.

A Rev. Bill Sermon: Reflections on Racism

As some of you may be aware, our UU denomination during the past year has been dominated by issues of race.  Racial issues were involved in the sudden resignations of our UUA President Peter Morales, its Chief Operating Officer, its Director of Congregational Life, and … read more.