Author: James Schwing

Preview: Rev. Bill’s March 11 Sermon

Listen, the Birds Are Singing – Rev. Bill Graves and Frances Wood

Religious Naturalism is a spiritual strand that resonates well with many Unitarian Universalists. Exquisitely beautiful and endlessly fascinating birds are all around us awaiting our notice, especially now as we are on the cusp … read more.

Rev. Bill’s Thursday Seminar – March 8

UU History in Depth, Part 3:  “American Unitarianism 1620-1860Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 7:00pm

As usual Bill invites you to come at 6:30 to share a vegetarian pizza so long as it lasts. This is the story of the pilgrims, the birth of congregational polity, minister/scientist … read more.

Workshop for Worship Service Leaders

Workshop for Worship Service Leaders, Saturday, March 10, 10:00 am.

We would love to expand our group of Sunday worship service leaders.  If this is a way you might consider contributing to KVUUC you are invited to attend a workshop on worship presentation to be led … read more.

Preview: Rev. Bill’s Dec.10 Sermon

O My G-d – by Rev. Bill Graves and Rev. Lita Malone 

The title to this service borrows from the Jewish tradition of refraining from saying or writing a full word representing the source of all which is unknowable and unnamable. But, even while acknowledging our inherent … read more.

Bill’s Thursday Seminar – Dec. 7

Pilgrim Experiences

Thursday . December 7, 2017 at 7:00pm. Bill will discuss his walk this past September and October along 180 miles of the Camino Portugues as well as his longer walk several years ago on the Camino Frances.  Both are routes used by Pilgrims over the … read more.