Author: Jim Schwing

Rev Bill’s Dec 8 Seminar

“Meditation and Prayer for UU’s”, Part II ” 7:00-8:30 p.m.    

It has been said that meditation is like noticing the interior furniture while prayer is like rearranging that furniture.  In November the class primarily experienced forms of meditation.  In December we will concentrate on prayer.  … read more.

Preview: Rev Bill’s Feb 16 Seminar

Book Discussion:  “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

Led by Rev. Bill Graves and CWU Librarian, Gerard Hogan

It has been said that meditation is like noticing the interior furniture while prayer is like rearranging that furniture.  In November the class primarily experienced forms of … read more.

Preview: Thursday Evening Seminar – November 10

Meditation and Prayer for UU’s with Rev. Bill Graves, Thursday, Nov. 10, 7-8:30pm.   It has been said that meditation is like noticing the interior furniture while prayer is like rearranging that furniture.  It has also been said one meditates not so much to perfect … read more.