Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray as the ninth president of UUA

From the UU World

The Unitarian Universalist Association elected the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray as its ninth president on June 24. Frederick-Gray is the first woman elected to lead the liberal religious movement, which includes approximately 1,000 congregations with 200,000 adults and children in the United States.

But … read more.

So What happened at General Assembly (GA) 2017

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process.

Much of what happened at GA 2017 can be found here.

UU World articles on GA 2017 can be … read more.

UUA Denounces SCOTUS Decision on Trump’s Travel Ban

Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) President the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray issued the following statement in response to today’s Supreme Court decision regarding President Trump’s executive order on travel:

The UUA is profoundly disappointed that the U.S. Supreme Court did not uphold the lower courts’ injunctions on the … read more.

UUA Condemns Anti-Gay Purge in Chechnya

As our nation and government continue to be rocked by the continuing revelations of the Trump Administration’s ties to Russia, the global LGBTQ community is equally alarmed by the horrific reports that gay men are being persecuted by Chechen police. Men believed to be gay … read more.

Preview: Rev. Bill’s July 9 Sermon

“Meditation and Chanting:  A Day Hike to that Inherently Good Place”  Rev. Bill Graves and Jan Jaffee

Meditation and chanting are two forms of spiritual practice.  Spiritual practices assist in achieving heightened awareness and inner peace.  Spiritual practice is an essential compliment to social justice work … read more.

Former UUA Moderator Jim Key died June 2

From UU World

Former UUA Moderator Jim Key died June 2 while in treatment for cancer. He was 77.

Elected by the General Assembly in 2013 as the Unitarian Universalist Association’s moderator and chief governance officer, Key presided over the Board of Trustees during the tumultuous controversy … read more.

Preview: Rev. Bill’s Sermon, June 18

“Papa’s Day, 2017” – Rev. Bill Graves

We had a joyous and thought-provoking Mama’s Day services and now it’s time to give Papas equal time!  Whether present or absent he had an important impact on our lives. We will honor and honestly appraise the difficult, emotion-laden, … read more.