Preview: Rev. Bill’s Sermon, June 11

“Dreamcasting” – Rev. Bill Graves, KVUUC Board and Council on Ministry

           This service will feature a structured, small group conversations concerning what we appreciate and aspire to at KVUUC.  The information compiled from the conversations will be used in future planning.  For more details see … read more.

Building Your Own Theology: Session 4

In this session we will consider Chapter 6 (History—An Honest Backward Look) and Chapter 7 (Ethics as Unenforceable Obligations—The Importance of Being Good for Nothing) in the BYOT curriculum book.  Recommended readings in advance are pp. 42-43 and 62-65. Also, complete Worksheet 3 pp. 49-53 … read more.

Building Your Own Theology: Session 3

For this session we will consider Chapter 4 (Human Nature—Some Self Understanding) and Chapter 5 (Ultimate Reality—Creating an Honest God) in the BYOT curriculum book. Recommended readings in advance are pp. 27-29 and 35-37. Continue working on your credos incorporating any thoughts provoked by the … read more.

KVUUC High School Essay Contest

Open to all high school students in Kittitas County
Sponsored by the
Kittitas Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation (KVUUC)

2017 Essay topic

Extinctions are occurring at an ever-increasing pace. Describe an extinction event from the last decade and its impact on life. You may interpret extinction event broadly. Something that … read more.

Preview: Rev. Bill’s Sermon, May 7

We Were Made for These Times

Bill will explore our calling as Unitarian Universalists to social justice involvement.  Part of our historic covenant is to keep faith with the community of resistance.  Now, especially now, as we are astonished and enraged over the latest degradations of … read more.

Spring Cleanup – May 20

Our annual Spring cleanup is scheduled for May 20 from 9:00 am to noon. Everyone is invited. Interior and exterior cleaning. Refreshments will be served.

Reminder: Building Your Own Theology

Session 2:  Thurs. May 4, 2017 at 7:00pm 

(As usual Bill invites you to come at 6:30 to share a vegetarian pizza so long as it lasts)

Building Your Own Theology is a systematic, disciplined and group process assisting participants to develop credos, or statements of … read more.