Congregation Retreat Postponed

At its December meeting the Board of Trustees agreed with recommendations to postpone the proposed all-congregational retreat until next Fall.  At the same time the Board voted to make the holding of such a retreat a top priority for 2017.  However, persons willing to take … read more.

A Rev. Bill Commentary: KVUUC’s Reason for Being

Recently I and three other KVUUC members attended a webinar on the subject of leadership in small congregations.   A good deal of attention was focused on transitioning from what are called  “family congregations” to “pastoral congregations”.  In church organizational parlance “family congregations” are generally up … read more.

Preview: Rev Bill’s Sermon, Dec 11

“Admiring the Religion Of (Rather Than About) Jesus”

The title of this sermon summarizes an historical Unitarian stance towards Rabbi Jesus, and perhaps one many of us might still embrace.  On this second Sunday of the Advent season, as we prepare for the annual celebration of Jesus’ … read more.

Rev Bill’s Dec 8 Seminar

“Meditation and Prayer for UU’s”, Part II ” 7:00-8:30 p.m.    

It has been said that meditation is like noticing the interior furniture while prayer is like rearranging that furniture.  In November the class primarily experienced forms of meditation.  In December we will concentrate on prayer.  … read more.

Preview: Rev Bill’s Feb 16 Seminar

Book Discussion:  “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

Led by Rev. Bill Graves and CWU Librarian, Gerard Hogan

It has been said that meditation is like noticing the interior furniture while prayer is like rearranging that furniture.  In November the class primarily experienced forms of … read more.

Rev. Bill’s Upcoming December Sermon

Dec. 11, 2016, 11:00am:  “Admiring the Religion Of  (Rather Than About) Jesus”   Rev. Bill Graves

The title of this sermon summarizes an historical Unitarian stance towards Rabbi Jesus, and perhaps one many of us might still embrace.  On this second Sunday of the Advent season, as we … read more.