Preview: Thursday Evening Seminar – November 10

Meditation and Prayer for UU’s with Rev. Bill Graves, Thursday, Nov. 10, 7-8:30pm.   It has been said that meditation is like noticing the interior furniture while prayer is like rearranging that furniture.  It has also been said one meditates not so much to perfect … read more.

Preview: Rev. Bill’s Sermon, Nov. 13

This service will occur shortly after the end of an excruciatingly long and troubling exercise in “democracy in action”.   Regardless of the outcome our UU faith offers comfort and hope even as there is much work ahead.  The heart of that faith for 450 years is … read more.

Sermon October 9: RE is Us, Rev. Bill

This service and sermon is dedicated to our RE program as it proceeds to try out a bold new vision for scheduling that we are hoping will benefit the children, their teachers and the other adults as well.   I will be speaking from the perspective … read more.