Thursday Seminar: Building Your Own Theology, March 9

Building Your Own Theology, led by Rev. Bill Graves, March 9, 7:00 p.m.
(As usual Bill invites you to come at 6:30 to share a vegetarian pizza so long as it lasts)

Small groups of UUs engage in a systematic, disciplined and communal process to build individual credos, or statements of individual beliefs. Everyone is welcome, including repeat “students”! This classic curriculum designed by Rev. Richard Gilbert discusses all the important questions of religion from a UU perspective, allowing each student to come to their own understanding of what makes sense and works. It’s a wonderful way to get to know other KVUUC’ers and to begin to explore your own faith. A class Bill started in 2010 continued regular meetings on their own for 5 years!
We will use the “Building Your Own Theology, Vol. I”, curriculum available for $16.00 at the UU Bookstore: It is recommended that participants have their own copy of the curriculum.