Social Justice
KVUUC has a Social Justice Council that aspires to meet monthly to review existing programs and requests for new programs to ensure a good fit with our church’s values and mission. The Social Justice Council has historically met on the third Sunday of every month at 12:15 pm both in the KVUUC Sanctuary and on our Sunday service Zoom link. Request more info at
In 2010, KVUUC received reaccreditation as a Green Sanctuary which directly impacts our social justice work. As part of the planning, implementation and action leading up to that reaccreditation, we were asked to detail how our programs and projects interact with the local community, the interfaith community, and the UU community-at-large.
To answer this, we described our on-going role in community affairs through our participation in a project called Our Environment (OE). Consider the following highlights of issues considered by OE: working to get Central Washington University’s Foundation to divest from fossil fuels, working to move the city away from an increasing push to get residents to adopt natural gas as their fuel of choice, working to educate the community about the benefits of a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, working to retain the advantages gained in the lawsuit against Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), and working to make the city more bike-friendly. Stay up-to-date with Our Environment on the Facebook page: Our Environment – Kittitas County
We invite you to enact justice and join us in our social justice work. The process will transform you as you help to transform the world.