Religious Education: February Calendar

Feb. 3: Chalice Seekers and Chalice Children RE*- Chinese New Year

Feb. 10: Chalice Seekers and Chalice Children RE- Susan B. Anthony

Feb. 17: Chalice Seekers and Chalice Children RE- Powama

Feb. 18: Middle School RE Discussion- Integrating Our Experiences.
4-5:30pm in Zendo

Feb. 24: Celebration Sunday – Guest Dietra Underhill.
All ages meet in the Zendo during the service
ALSO Intergenerational Book Discussion and Movie Night! 
4pm book discussion on The Book Thief
5pm free pizza and watching the movie The Book Thief
You are highly encouraged to read the book and engage in the
discussion, but if you haven’t read or finished the book, please
still feel free to come and enjoy the movie with us. All KVUUC
friends and members are invited! Be aware that there are adult
themes in this movie so you may want to read movie reviews
online before bringing young children. Please RSVP on Facebook
or to Maggie Patterson

*Chalice Seekers (2nd-4th grade) and Chalice Children (infant-1st grade) RE meet during the service at KVUUC every Sunday except the potluck Sunday (5th Sun. of every month)